JED - Joint Experimentation Database
JED stands for Joint Experimentation Database
Here you will find, what does JED stand for in Military.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Joint Experimentation Database? Joint Experimentation Database can be abbreviated as JED What does JED stand for? JED stands for Joint Experimentation Database. What does Joint Experimentation Database mean?Joint Experimentation Database is an expansion of JED
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Alternative definitions of JED
- Japan Engineer District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
- King Abdulaziz International airport
- joint exercise division
- Julie East Design
- Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- Jediddiah
- Julian Ephemeris Data
View 8 other definitions of JED on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- JEF Joint Experimentation Framework
- JEGS Job Evaluation Grading Support
- JEM Jet Engine Modulation
- JEMU Joint Environmental Markets Unit
- Jengo Junior Engineering Officer
- JEOCG Joint Exercise Observer Control Group
- JEP Joint Experimentation Programme
- JESA Joint Equipment Support Authority
- JET Joint European Torus
- JETI Jobs, Education and Training Information
- JETs Joint Essential Task List
- JEWC Joint Electronic Warfare Centre
- JEWG Joint Executive Working Group
- JEZ Jezebel Passive ASW Sonar
- JF2000 Joint Force 2000
- JFAC Joint Force Air Component
- JFAI Joint Formal Acceptance Inspection
- JFAmphCC Joint Force Amphibious Component Commander
- JFAST Joint Flow and Analysis System for Transport
- JFC Joint Forces Commander